Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Balanced diet examples

So what is a serving, in my earlier post I had mentioned about the servings, here I’m going to explain servings it is not such complicate just read out.


One serving of fruit: 1 medium size apple, orange or banana, 1 slice of melon, ¾ fruit juice
One serving vegetable: 1 cup raw leaf-greens, ½ cup cooked vegetable, ¾ cup vegetable juice.
One serving of dairy: 1 cup milk or yogurt, 1 cup calcium fortified orange juice, 1 ounce fat reduced cheese.
One serving meat: poultry or fish 2 to 3 ounce, count ½ cup cooked beans, 1 egg, 2 table spoon nuts or peanut butter.
One serving of grains: 1 slice of whole white bread, 1 ounce cold cereal, ½ cup cooked cereal or rice, 1 small roll biscuit, 2 large crackers.

Healthy Food stuff best for you

Vegetable and fruits: 9 half cup servings a day that is 5 servings of vegetable and 4 servings of fruit. At least 5 servings per day is a must.
Beans: Eat more beans, five or more times a week. It is the highest source of fiber.
Nuts: Eat nuts regularly, two table spoon a day, 5 times a week.
Whole grains foods: 3 to 6 servings a day. Have whole grain foods not refined ones.
Calcium rich food: have 2 to3 servings of calcium rich foods every day.
Eat fish twice a week, especially salmon, sardines, mackerel, and herring etc. rich in omega-3 fatty acid. Limit your meat and egg consumption (up to 4 eggs a week).
Along with the above diet, drink 8 glass of water a day and try to limit your alcohol and sweet consumption.

I think this is enough for know in my next post, I will explain the roll of main and supplementary food in our diet.Let me know your doubt and view in command section.

Take Care bye..

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